Saturday, 5 May 2012

Inter-personnel & communication skills theory

Meaning of Communication

Transmission of meaning from one person to another or to many people is communication, whether verbally or non-verbally. Communication from one person to another is commonly depicted as a simple triangle consisting of the context, the sender, the massage, and the receiver. In the work area Communication skills have great importance just as they have in all areas of life. Communication skills such as being able to express one or to understand the others correctly are required for success and satisfaction at least in elementary level for most of the professions. Even though an organization performs its tasks more efficient than expected, one should know that this success will not continue so long if it lacks the same efficacy in communication. The success of communication depends on several factors. Transmission of message by the process of encoding and decoding the message, which may result in short-term perception, is not adequate for the success of communication. Communication should be in such away that will give opportunity for the respondent or receiver to take decision with regard to the message he perceived.

Meaning of Interpersonal Communication

The concept of Inter Personal Communication (IPC) skills was introduced primarily in 1950s. Ability to work well with people, and involve your acceptance of others, without prejudice is called IPC skills. Ability to respond to staff’s needs positively, fostering a non-discriminatory work environment where staff can develop to their full personal potentials, and delegating authority Interpersonal communication competence consists of a set of skills, knowledge about communication, and self-evaluation is IPC skills. The skills involved in good interpersonal communication include
1. Demonstrating caring, concern and commitment
2. Listening and Understanding
3. Problem solving and Motivating.
You can demonstrate that you care by expressing your understanding of the feelings and concerns of the other person and by letting them know that you want to help them. You can reflect the other person’s emotions back to them with facial expressions that show you are concerned. You can also provide verbal feedback to them to show acknowledgement and recognition of their fears and concerns. Listening and understanding involve more than simply being present while someone is speaking. Active listening means genuinely hearing the other person’s words. Often, we think we are listening, but we actually do not pay close attention or do not really hear what the other person is trying to say.
Everybody has their own & unique Ability and strengths. Inspite of how bad you might think of yourself, you are special, unique and one of a kind. Trust in your abilities, recognize your strengths and succeed in life. On the flip side, do recognize that even the weakest individual is better than you or me in some way or another. It may be intelligence or kindness or generosity or even grace
Emerson once said: Every man is my superior in some way. In that case, I learn of him.
Almost everyman you meet feels himself superior to you in some way, and a sure way to win a person’s heart is to let him or her realize that in some subtle way, you recognize his importance in his little world, and recognize it sincerely.

Salient features of IPC skills

  • Think positively, and enter the mindset to work well with others and maintain good relationships. Do not criticize others or yourself.
  • Be sensitive to others, this includes not gossiping.
  • Be patient.
  • Be cheerful and try to make others smile.
  • Treat others and their experience with respect.
  • Learn to listen, experts recommend listening 80% of the time and only talking 20%.
  • If you’re not naturally confident or happy, fake it until you generally possess the desired characteristics.
  • Praise and compliment people when they deserve it,
  • When someone is telling a story, don’t interrupt or try to upstage them with a story of your own.
  • Treat your team members and colleagues as friends and not as strangers or subordinates.
  • When you’re unhappy, try your best to act happy anyway. You will end up feeling better and so will the people around you, your mood is contagious.
  • Smile - even when you don’t feel like smiling.
  • Look for solutions.
  • When someone compliments you, don’t disagree or boast about it simply say thank-you with a smile and move on.
  • Learn to appreciate, be helpful and not de-motivate your team members. Work as a team, not as an individual.
    This will achieve better results.

Behavior Psychology

Deal with people as though they are your client or boss and convey the message you want in a proper manner. (This includes rhythm of voice to make them comfortable with you.)
Beatrice Vincent once said: The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in the persons with whom you are going to spend most of your working hours.
Robbins and Hunsaker (2003) reviewed a large number of studies and synthesized the IPC skills that surfaced on most lists Most of- these skills. belong to three categories - leadership, the process of communication and motivation .Interpersonal skills under leadership relate to leadership style, handling conflicts, running meetings, team building and promoting change. The process of communication includes sending messages, listening and providing feedback Similarly, motivating is broken down into goal setting, clarifying expectations, persuading and empowering. Other interpersonal skill include negotiating. The dimensions and components of above model are shown in the following table
Interpersonal communication skills (IPC)1. Process of communication1. Effective communication
2. Communication styles
3. Building relationships
2. Motivation1. Goal setting
2. Clarifying expectations
3. Leadership3. Self development
4. Stress management
5. Emotional intelligence
3. Leadership 1. Leadership style
2. Values and ethics
3. Handling conflicts
4. Promoting change

Steps to Develop Your IPC Skills?

1. Networking

In addition to strong communication Skills and Personal Skills, Networking uses the Background skills of network building and motivating others. involves working with others in a group towards a common goal. This requires cooperating with others, being responsive to others’ ideas, taking a collaborative approach to learning, and taking a responsibility for developing and achieving group goals. The ability to actively seek, identify and create effective contacts with others, and to maintain those contacts for mutual benefit. Teamwork uses the Background skills of collaboration, mentoring, decision-making and delegation.

2. Leadership

The process of successfully influencing the activities of a group towards the achievement of a common goal is called as leadership. As well as requiring strong communication Skills and Personal Skills, leadership uses the Background skills of mentoring, decision making, delegation and motivating others. A leader has the ability of influence others through qualities such as personal charisma, expertise, command of language, and the creation of mutual respect.

2. Background skills

(i) Decision making

  • Identifying appropriate evidence and weighing up that evidence to make a choice for example, gathering and assessing information to find the best way to perform am experiment).
  • Taking responsibility for a decision and its outcomes (for example, choosing a topic for a group presentation from a number of suggestions).

(ii) Mentoring

  • Being a trusted advisor and helper with experience in a particular field. Actively supporting and guiding someone to develop knowledge and experience, or to achieve career or personal goals (for example, a third-year student mentoring a first year student, helping to adjust to he university experience).
  • A mentoring relationship may be formal or informal, but must involve trust, mutual respect, and commitment as both parties work together to achieve a goal (for example, mentoring a younger member of a team to achieve better performance in the lead-up to a sporting event).

(iii) Group work

  • any activity in which students work together;
  • any activity which has been specifically designed so that students work impairs or groups, and may be assessed as a group (referred to as formal group work); or
  • when students come together naturally to help each other with their work (referred to as informal group work).
  • peer group activity in lab classes, tutorials etc.

(iv) Motivating others

  • Generating enthusiasm and energy by being positive, focusing on finding solutions and maintaining a positive attitude even when things are not going well (for example, when something goes wrong, asking “What can we try now” instead of saying, “That should have worked better.”).
  • Encouraging others to come up with solutions, listening carefully to their ideas and offering constructive feedback (for example, gathering suggestions for a group project, and giving each person’s ideas fair discussion).
  • Being prepared to support others in taking agreed, calculates risks, and not blaming others when things go wrong (for example, one group member’s portion of a presentation receives a poor mark make sure that this student isn’t blamed by the group, and focus on learning from the mistakes).

(v) Delegation

  • Taking responsibility for determining when to ask someone else to make a decision or carry out a task (for example, figuring out what is a fair distribution of the workload in a group project, and sharing responsibility with others).
  • Distributing responsibility and authority in a group by giving someone else the discretion to make decisions that you have the authority to make (for example, as the chosen leader of a lab experiment team, you could assign tasks and decisions to different group members).

(vi) Collaboration

  • Working cooperatively and productively with other team members to contribute to the outcomes of the team’s work (for example, dividing the workload and sharing the results of your own work with others in the group, or assisting members of the group who are having difficulty completing their tasks).

(vii) Network building

  • Creating contacts with other people and maintaining those contacts (for example, meeting someone at a seminar with similar interests, and swapping email addresses with them).
  • Acquiring and maintaining information about people who might be useful contacts for specific purposes (for example, seeking out people established in an industry you hope to work with one day).
  • Using a contact in an ethical manner to help each of you meet specific goals, (for example, collaborating on projects of importance to both of you).

3. Networking

The ability to actively seek, identify and create effective contacts with others, and to maintain those contacts for mutual benefit. In addition to strong communication Skills and Personal Skills, Networking uses the Background skills of network building and motivating others. involves working with others in a group towards a common goal. This requires cooperating with others, being responsive to others’ ideas, taking a collaborative approach to learning, and taking a responsibility for developing and achieving group goals. Teamwork uses the Background skills of a collaboration, mentoring, decision making and delegation

Types of Leadership

Management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it, n the past several decades. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach.
Four of the most basic types of leadership are:
A. Democratic
B. Laissez-faire
C. Autocratic
D. Bureaucratic
Although good leaders use all the styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style.

A. Democratic Leadership Type

The democratic leadership type encourages employees to be a part of the decision making therefore it is also called the participative type. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision-making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader :
1. Develops plans to help employees evaluate their own performance
2. Recognizes and encourages achievement.
3. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted
4. Allows employees to establish goals

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Only three percent engineering jobs are ready for us.....whats our future then.??

Engineering education is expanding but quality engineers aren’t being produced by them. The quality of education dished out can be judged from the scenario that the percentage of ready-to-deploy engineers for IT jobs is dismally low at 2.68 per cent of the among five lakh engineers passing out every year in the country.
In fact, among these five lakh engineers only 17.45 per cent are employable for the IT services sector, while a dismal 3.51 per cent are appropriately trained to be directly deployed on projects. Only 2.68 per cent are employable in IT product companies, which require greater understanding of computer science and algorithms, according to the National Employability Report of Engineering Graduates done by Aspiring Minds.
The report is based on the data of more than 55,000 engineers who graduated in 2011. The report goes deeper to identify patterns in employability across different regions and kinds of colleges, analyzing in detail the distribution of employability.
The baffling situation is more relevant to Andhra Pradesh that has the largest number of engineering colleges in the country. The unbridled growth of colleges without concentrating on quality and employability has done more harm to the students while the managements made tons of money cashing in on the craze. In fact, the report submitted by the three-member committee of the Government has also revealed the same.
The National Employability Report too says concentrating on increasing quantity has impacted quality drastically. It was found that employability decreases logarithmically with the number of colleges in the state. It means opening more colleges is directly impacting the percentage of employable engineers graduating every year. “The need of the hour is to focus on not opening more colleges, but improving the quality in existing institutions,” says the report.
Former Technical Education Commissioner, K. Laxminarayana, who headed the three-member committee of the State Government agrees and says engineering education will be at loss if drastic steps are not taken. A senior official of the Government says focus of the Government has been hijacked by the colleges in the last few years to pay their fee arrears rather than concentrating on quality.
The quality varies drastically with only a few colleges figuring at the top of the quality ladder. With regard to employability distribution among campuses, the survey found that the quality of education falls steeply among the top-ranked colleges, implying that even colleges ranked very closely have very different quality of education. A largenumber of colleges are at exceptionally low employability. The bottom 45 percentile campuses have less than 1 in 100 candidates employable in an IT product company, while the bottom 20 percentile campuses have none.
The situation is more apt to the State where majority colleges don’t posses the academic and administrative infrastructure and also make no efforts to improve it. Companies don’t even step into more than 70 per cent of colleges for campus recruitments realising that lack of potential candidates there. Top companies visit only the top 50 colleges while the smaller companies recruit from the top 100 colleges. The rest have just no takers.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


politics03 Students and Politics

The most progressive, articulate, inspired and dynamic segment of the country’s population is the student’s community. The formative period of student’s life should be utilized for an all round balanced development of his/her personality. Political experience constitutes an essential part of this learning experience. This period prepares one to face the challenges better and enables one to succeed in life. The much hyped dirty murky nature notwithstanding Politics has the potential to inculcate qualities like general awareness, keeping abreast with current happenings and above all leadership qualities in an individual. Student’s who join politics are good orators. They become assertive by shedding their timid ness and shyness. Tackling problems and solving disputes and handling crisis situations however small or big they may be, infuses confidence in them. It helps in developing skills to deal with people from all backgrounds and of all shades of opinion.
Moreover, politics cannot be divorced from a student’s life as he continuously interacts with the Student’s Union and various other student associations in college. Students also have a great deal of exposure to mediums like the press, television, cinema, etc. which are important agents of political expression. Political science is a vital part of the syllabi both at the school and college level. This underlines the role that politics plays in various stages of a person’s life. Hence, it is futile to shut out students from politics.
History is replete with examples of students playing a vital role in over-throwing corrupt dictatorial regimes, freeing their people from foreign yoke and launching relentless crusades against social injustice and exploitation. Majority of the great leaders entered politics during their student life. Therefore, political education or training during student life is important for success in life. Many students’ organizations like all Manipur students union (AMSU) are big and powerful students’ organizations in the north eastern part ofIndia. Their clout is so great that they could even go against the general people’s verdict. Where politicians fail, they succeed easily. The power of the youth is a mighty river, waiting to be channelized. The politics of a particular system determines whether this happens in a constructive or destructive manner.
However, there is a limit to the extent of a students’ involvement so that a balanced participation does not affect his main purpose, which is to study. While he is not expected to remain passive in the face of criminalization of politics, dismantling of democratic organizations, corruption, communalism and casteism, he should not indulge in factional or partisan politics, or give into the unjust directions of senior party leaders. The student wing should herald the new, only then do they deserve to be called the promise of tomorrow. A better tomorrow

9 out of 10 urban women sexually harassed...downfall of our nations dignity

Here’s a scary statistic to consider on the occasion of Women’s Day: nine out of 10 women in urban India have been stalked, teased or sexually harassed. And here’s a sobering thought: 63% of them have been stalked, teased or sexually harassed either frequently or occasionally. 
There are some of the findings of an extensive survey of 5,041 urban Indian women in the 15-50 age group commissioned by Hindustan Times and carried out by research organization Cfore on February 29 and March 1.
The survey, across 11 Indian cities — Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Patna, Ranchi, Lucknow, Chandigarh and Jaipur — has found that very few women (only one out of eight) registered sexual harassment complaints with the police.
Worse, seven out of 10 women who did approach the cops found their attitude unhelpful.
its our courtesy to protect the dignity of women in our country.....


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