Monday, 11 February 2013

PSU eligibility through GATE-2013

Eligibility criteria will vary from company to company.
List of companies with their Eligibility criteria for Management trainee / Engineer / Engineering Graduates / Executive Trainees.

HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited )


Graduate in Mechanical / Electronics / Electrical / Production / Plant Engineering / Computer Science / Metallurgy/ Aeronautic / Avionics / Aerospace Engineering Branches of Engineering from any recognized Institution/University.
General/ OBC candidates should have secured 65% marks and SC/ST candidates should have secured a minimum of 55% Marks. in the aggregate (average of marks scored for all the Semesters/ Years) Or corresponding CGPA Ratings / Gradations in their Engineering Degree Examinations. Engineering Graduates in the Aeronautical Branch with minimum aggregate 60% marks (for General/OBC) and 50% for SC/ST would be eligible to apply.
Click Here for More Details



Students belonging to SC/ST/Physically Challenged categories (Visually Handicapped / Hearing Handicapped / Orthopaedically Handicapped ) and pursuing full time degree course in Engineering in the disciplines of Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Computer Science, Electronics / Telecommunication from a college / university institute recognized by the Govt.Of India and should be in the Third Year are eligible to apply for the exam.

HPCL Recruitment of Officer Trainees- Engineering Disciplines


Qualifications: Full time Graduates in Engineering / Technology in Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunications Discipline from a recognised Indian University / Institute.

Max Age Limit.SC/ST:

30 years (as on 16th Jan, 2009), after allowing age relaxation as per Govt. Directives.


28 years (as on 16th Jan, 2009) , after allowing age relaxation as per Govt. Directives
SC/ST candidates scoring minimum 50% (in aggregate) and OBC Candidates scoring minimum 60% (in aggregate) in the qualifying examination are eligible to apply.
Those candidates who will be appearing for their Final Year Examination by July, 2009 can also apply. SC/ST candidates scoring minimum 50% (in aggregate) and OBC Candidates scoring minimum 60% (in aggregate) till the last semester (as of 16th Jan'09) are eligible to apply. However, their eligibility for the selection will be subject to their obtaining minimum 60 % (For SC/ST-minimum 50 %) in aggregate in qualifying degree.

Written Test/ Interview:

Candidates fulfilling all of the above criteria will be eligible for appearing for Written Test (objective type consisting of two parts - General Aptitude and Academic Knowledge). The candidates will be called for the Personal Interview as per the policy of the Corporation.

Bhel (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited)


Full time Bachelor's Degree in relevant discipline (Mechanical / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics) from a recognized Institute, with minimum 60% marks in aggregate.


Upper Age Limit (as on 01.01.2010): 30 years


                             IES-ESE 2013 Exam Pattern

The Examination of IES shall be followed according to the following plan:

Part I- The written examination will comprise two sections-Section I consisting only of objective types of questions and Section II of conventional papers. Both Sections will cover the entire syllabus of the relevant engineering disciplines viz. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. The standard and syllabi prescribed for these papers are given in Schedule to the Appendix. The details of the written examination i.e. subject, duration and maximum marks allotted to each subject are given in para 2 below.
Part II- Personality test carrying a maximum of 200 marks of such of the candidates who qualify on the basis of the written examination.
General Ability Test
(Part A: General
(Part B: General
2 hrs200
Civil Engineering Paper
2 hrs200
Civil Engineering Paper
2 hrs200
Civil Engineering Paper
3 hrs200
Civil Engineering Paper
3 hrs200
General Ability Test
(Part A: General
(Part B: General
2 hrs200
Mechanical Engineering Paper I2 hrs200
Mechanical Engineering Paper II2 hrs200
Mechanical Engineering Paper I3 hrs200
Mechanical Engineering Paper II3 hrs200
General Ability Test
(Part A: General
(Part B: General
2 hrs200
Electrical Engineering Paper I2 hrs200
Electrical Engineering Paper II2 hrs200
Electrical Engineering Paper I3 hrs200
Electrical Engineering Paper II3 hrs200
General Ability Test
(Part A: General
(Part B: General
2 hrs200
Electronics & Tele Comm. Engineering Paper I2 hrs200
Electronics & Tele Comm. Engineering Paper II2 hrs200
Electronics & Tele Comm. Engineering Paper I3 hrs200
Electronics & Tele Comm. Engineering Paper II3 hrs200
Note: Candidates are advised to read carefully special instruction to candidates for conventional type tests and objective type tests given in Appendix-IV (Part A & Part B) including the procedure regarding filling in the Answer Sheet of objective type tests in the Examination Hall.

3. In the Personality Test special attention will be paid to assessing the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, powers of practical application and integrity of character.

4. Conventional papers must be answered in English. Question papers will be set in English only.

5. Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed the help of a scribe to write the answers for them.

6. The Commission have discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks in any or all the papers of the examination. The Objective Type papers as contained in Section-I of the Plan of the Examination will be evaluated first and evaluation of the Conventional Type papers contained in Section-II of the Plan of Examination will be done only of those candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in Objective types papers, as fixed by the Commission.

7. marks will not be allotted for mere superficial knowledge.

8. Deduction up to 5 per cent of the maximum marks for the written papers will be made for illegible handwriting.

9. Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in the conventional papers of the examination.

10. In the question papers, wherever required, SI units will be used.

NOTE: Candidates will be supplied with standard tables/charts in SI units in the Examination hall for reference purpose, wherever considered necessary.

11. Candidates are permitted to bring and use battery operated pocket calculators for conventional (essay) type papers only. Loaning or inter-changing of calculators in the Examination hall is not permitted.

It is also important to note that candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type paper (Test book lets). They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.

12. Candidates should use only International form of Indian numerals (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) while answering question papers.

Standard and Syllabus:The standard of paper in General Ability Test will be such as may be expected of a Engineering/Science Graduate. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be that of an Engineering Degree Examination of an Indian University. There will be no practical examination in any of the subjects.

Engineering Services - General Instructions

1. Candidates must use only the form supplied with the information Brochure purchased from any of the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices. Form should be purchased from designated post offices only and not from any other agency. Candidates must use the form supplied with the Information Brochure only and they should in no case use photocopy/reproduction/unauthorized printed copy of the Form. The form will NOT be supplied by the Commission's office.

2. The application form must be filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting. Since this form will be processed on computerized machines, candidates should exercise due care in handling and filling up the application form. They should use HB pencil only to darken the circles. For writing in the boxes, they should use blue or black pen. Since the entries made by the candidates by darkening the circles will be taken into account while processing the applications on computerized machines, they should make these entries very carefully and accurately. Entries in the boxes are meant for confirmatory purposes and these should also, therefore, be made correctly. There should be no variation between the entries made by the candidates by darkening the circles and those written in the accompanying boxes.

3. Candidates should ensure that the signatures appended by them in all the places viz. in their application form, Attendance List etc. and in all the correspondence with the Commission, should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. If any variation is found in the signatures appended by him at different places, his candidature will be liable to be cancelled by the Commission.

4. No change in the entries made in original application form will be allowed under any circumstances.

5. The candidates are advised in their own interest to ensure that the applications reach the Commission's Office on or before the closing date. Applications received in the Commission's Office after the closing date will not be considered.

6. While filling in his application form, the candidate should carefully decide about his choice for the centre and engineering disciplines for the examination. More than one application from a candidate giving different centre and/or engineering disciplines will not be accepted in any case. Even if a candidate sends more than one completed application, the Commission will accept only one application at their discretion and the Commission's decision in the matter shall be final.

7. On the Acknowledgement Card, the candidates should write their application form No. (as printed below the bar code on the form) and the name of examination viz. "Engineering Service Examination, 2005". They should also write clearly and legibly their mailing address on the Acknowledgement Card. Postage stamp of Rs. 6/- should be affixed on the card. The Acknowledgement Card should not be stapled or pinned or tagged or pasted with the Application Form.


In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC's Facilitation Counter near 'C' gate of its campus in person or over Telephone No. 011-23385271/FAX No. 011- 23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs.

The Commission also has Website at address : over which the candidates can obtain details of the examination as well as information about registration of their applications, venue of the examination and results etc.



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