Are you looking for latest vacancies in Railway in 2012. A new recruitment notification announced by RRB, this time they making plans to recruit 12042 candidates for Technician jobs. If you have relevantqualification, this is the time grab this RRB Recruitment 2012 project. Below are the important details related to this railway vacancy.
Technician - 12042 jobs
Age: As criteria set from 1/7/2012, and applicant age should be between 18 to 30 years.
E.Q. To be eligible under education terms, applicant must passed with 1st division year B.Sc (Physics) for Technician Signal Grade 2nd jobs and Matriculation + Course Completed Act Apprenticeship/ITI approved by NCVT/SCVT for all other jobs.
Selection: RRB will appoint candidates for technician posts through written test. Candidates who cleared this RRB Recruitment 2012 (Technician) test will be invited for checking original certificate.
How to apply for this RRB Technician Recruitment project
It is very simple process, applicant first need to pay application fee through IPO or DD. Applicant fee details available in advertisement, candidates can download advertisement, below of this page under important link heading.
A prescribed application form prepared by Railway Recruitment Board, candidates need to downloadthis form from RRB website and after fill it send on or before 16/07/2012. Good news for people who using internet, RRB also open second option for candidates who want to submit application formonline mode.
Download advertisement to know complete information about this Railway Recruitment 2012 project
RRB has issued new 6829 vacancies which includes Commercial Apprentice, Goods Guard, Assistant Station Master, Senior Clerk-cum-Typist, Traffic Apprentice and other jobs in almost all railway recruitment board. It’s a big recruitment for this year and if you wants to know railway recruitment board vacancies 2012 detailed information like vacancy details, age limit, salary, RRB exam 2012 and other important information are given below:

Age: As criteria set from 1/7/2012, and applicant age should be between 18 to 30 years.
E.Q. To be eligible under education terms, applicant must passed with 1st division year B.Sc (Physics) for Technician Signal Grade 2nd jobs and Matriculation + Course Completed Act Apprenticeship/ITI approved by NCVT/SCVT for all other jobs.
Selection: RRB will appoint candidates for technician posts through written test. Candidates who cleared this RRB Recruitment 2012 (Technician) test will be invited for checking original certificate.
How to apply for this RRB Technician Recruitment project
It is very simple process, applicant first need to pay application fee through IPO or DD. Applicant fee details available in advertisement, candidates can download advertisement, below of this page under important link heading.
A prescribed application form prepared by Railway Recruitment Board, candidates need to downloadthis form from RRB website and after fill it send on or before 16/07/2012. Good news for people who using internet, RRB also open second option for candidates who want to submit application formonline mode.

RRB has issued new 6829 vacancies which includes Commercial Apprentice, Goods Guard, Assistant Station Master, Senior Clerk-cum-Typist, Traffic Apprentice and other jobs in almost all railway recruitment board. It’s a big recruitment for this year and if you wants to know railway recruitment board vacancies 2012 detailed information like vacancy details, age limit, salary, RRB exam 2012 and other important information are given below:
- Commercial Apprentice – 317 jobs
- Traffic Apprentice – 740 jobs
- ECRC – 114 jobs
- Goods Guard – 1768 jobs
- Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist – 791 jobs
- Senior Clerk-cum-Typist – 441 jobs
- Assistant Station Master – 2646 jobs
- Traffic Assistant – 12 jobs
Educational Qualification: There are different educational eligibility criteria for each post, socandidates may see full advertisement available at all RRB's website, link of this recruitment notice alsoavailable below this page.
Fee: Only those candidates who are unreserved for belongs to general category need to pay non refundable application fee in form of DD or Indian Postal Order (IPO) for Rs. 60 only.
How to Apply: Candidates first read full employment notice carefully, after satisifed that he/she is eligible and willing to sevre railway may download prescribed application form. Last date to submitapplication form complete in all respect is : 11/06/2012. Application who received late for incompleted will not be accepted or considered.
Download Application Form from following website