Thursday, 24 May 2012


(GATE), 2013

For advanced engineering education in India. An M.E. or M.Tech. degree
is a desirable qualifi cation for our young Engineers seeking a rewarding
professional career. Engineering students, while in the fi nal year of their
degree course, spend considerable time seeking an opening for higher studies
in foreign universities, but there are also several institutions of repute in India
offering specialised post-graduate programmes in various disciplines.
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination
administered and conducted in eight zones across the country by
the GATE Committee comprising Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National
Coordinating Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry
of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.
Admission to post graduate programmes with MHRD and some other
government scholarships/assistantships at Engineering Colleges/ Institutes
in the country are open to those who qualify through GATE. GATE
qualifi ed candidates with Bachelors degrees in Engineering / Technology
/ Architecture or Masters degrees in any branch of Science / Mathematics
/ Statistics / Computer Applications are eligible for Master / Doctoral
programmes in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Pharmacy as
well as for Doctoral programmes in relevant branches of Science.
To avail the scholarship, the candidate must additionally
secure admission to such a postgraduate programme, as per
the prevailing procedure of the admitting institution.

The GATE 2013 Committee has the authority to decide the qualifying
marks for each GATE paper.
GATE qualifi cation, however, is not required for candidates with Masters
degrees in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Pharmacy who may be
seeking scholarships / assistantships for relevant doctoral programmes.
For admission to postgraduate programmes with scholarships/
assistantships from the Ministry of Human Resources Development
and some other Govt. Agencies, a minimum weightage of 70% is given
to the GATE Score with the remaining weightage given to the student’s
academic performance in the qualifying exam and /or interview. The exact
procedure followed for the award of these scholarships/assistantships
will be defi ned by the respective Institution granting admission.
Some Institutions specify GATE as the mandatory qualifi cation even
for admission of self-fi nancing students to postgraduate programmes.
GATE qualifi ed candidates in Engineering disciplines are also eligible
for the award of Junior Research Fellowship in CSIR Laboratories. Some
government Organizations prescribe GATE qualifi cation as a requirement
for the posts of a Scientist/Engineer.
There is also an increasing trend of using the GATE score by some
universities as well as many Indian and Multi-national Companies for
recruitment. Many Public Sector Enterprises & Govt. Agencies
like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd; National Thermal Power
Corporation Ltd; Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd; ISRO Etc.,
have announced recruitment of a large number of engineers
(EE, EC, IN, ME) short listing applicants from GATE qualifi ed
candidates for further selection processes.
Date of Exam
The GATE exam is normally held on the second Sunday in February and
the results announced by the middle of March.

GATE Score
The GATE score becomes valid only after the candidate completes all
requirements of the qualifying degree. The GATE 2013 score will be valid
for two years from the date of announcement of results.
Details about the content of the GATE Scorecard will be made available
in the GATE websites at the appropriate time.
The GATE 2013 Committee has the authority to decide the qualifying
marks for each paper.
There is no provision for additional GATE Score cards.
Eligibility *
(a) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology/Architecture
(4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the fi nal year of
such programmes.
(b) Master’s degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/
Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent and those who
are in the fi nal of such programmes.
(c) Candidates in the third or fi nal year of the four-year Integrated
Master’s degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/
Technology or in the fourth or fi nal year of the fi ve-year Integrated
Master’s degree programmes and Dual Degree programme
in Engineering/Technology.
(d) Candidates with qualifi cations obtained through an examination
conducted by professional societies recognized by the UPSC/
AICTE (for example AMIE by IE(1) or AMIE by ICE(1)) as
equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed Section
A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.
* Based on the notifi cation for GATE 2012

There will be a single, fully objective-type paper of 3 hours’ duration
with 65 Questions for a total of 100 marks with negative marking
for each wrong answer at one-third of the marks allotted for that
question. The Question Paper will be in ENGLISH only.
1. Aerospace Engineering (AE) 12. Instrumentation Engg. (IN)*
2. Agricultural Engineering (AG)* 13. Mathematics (MA)
3. Architecture & Planning (AR) 14. Mechanical Engineering (ME)*
4. Bio Technology (BT)* 15. Mining Engineering (MN)*
5. Civil Engineering (CE)* 16. Metallurgical Engineering (MT)*
6. Chemical Engineering (CH)* 17. Physics (PH)
7. Computer Science & Inf.Tech. (CS) 18. Production & Industrial Engg (PI)*
8. Chemistry (CY)* 19. Textile Engg.& Fibre Sciences (TF)*
9. Electronics & Commn. Engg. (EC)* 20. Engineering Sciences (XE)
10. Electrical Engineering (EE)* 21. Life Sciences (XL)
11. Geology & Geophysics (GG)

(i) Each GATE paper shall have a common General Aptitude (GA)
component carrying 15 marks.

*Note: Papers in these subjects will contain questions on Engineering
Mathematics for 15 marks.
Engineering Sciences (XE) and Life Sciences (XL) are general
papers and will comprise the following sections:
Engineering Sciences (XE)
Engineering Mathematics (A)
Optional (any two)
Fluid Mechanics (B) Thermodynamics (E)
Material Science (C) Polymer Science & Engg. (F)
Solid Mechanics (D) Food Technology (G)
Life Sciences (XL)
Chemistry (H)
Optionals (any two)
Biochemistry (I) Zoology (L)
Botany (J) Food Technology (M)
Microbiology (K)
Note: Candidates appearing in XE or XL are required to answer three
sections, one compulsory as mentioned above, and two others of the
candidate’s choice, from among the Optionals mentioned against the
respective papers apart from General Aptitude (GA) questions. All sections
are of fully objective type.
• In XE, Compulsory Section A will be of 15 marks, with 7 one-mark
and 4 two-mark questions. All other optional sections, B to G, will
be of 35 marks, with 9 one-mark and 13 two-mark questions.
• In XL, Compulsory Section H will be of 25 marks, with 5 one-mark
questions and 10 two-mark questions. All other optional Sections,
I to L, will be of 30 marks, with 10 one-mark and 10 two-mark
• In both the XL and XE Papers, there will be 10 compulsory questions
in General Aptitude for a total of 15 marks.
Candidates who qualify for the XE or XL Paper will be further
examined, by interview or written test, by the admitting Institute to assess
their suitability for a particular programme, keeping the weightage for the
GATE Score at 70%.
The choice of the appropriate paper is the responsibility of the candidate.
However, as a guideline: a candidate is expected to appear in a paper
appropriate to the discipline of his/her qualifying degree, though there
is no bar on his/her choosing any paper according to his/her admission
plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the admitting Institute.


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